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Community Christian Church
About Community Christian Church

Our Staff

Debra Freight
    Administrative Assistant

Kelli Asberry
    Music Director

Pastor David Cortes
    Interim Minister

LogoCommunity Christian Church
6800 Lake Underhill Road Map
Orlando, FL 32822
Phone: 407-859-0840

 Community Christian Church

A community of faith 

who invites you

to know, live, and share

God's love through Jesus Christ.

Sundays in the Community: worship, learn, love, reach-out!



Statement of Beliefs

A Disciples Affirmation

As members of the Christian Church,

we confess that Jesus is the Christ,

    the Son of God, and proclaim him Lord and Savior of the world.

In Christ's name and by his grace

    we accept our mission of witness and service to all people.

We rejoice in God,

    maker of heaven and earth, and in the  covenant of love which binds us to God

    and one another.

Through baptism into Christ

    we enter into newness of life and are made one with the whole people of God.

In the communion of the Holy Spirit

    we are joined together in discipleship and in obedience to Christ.

At the table of the Lord

    we celebrate with thanksgiving the saving acts and presence of Christ.

Within the universal church,

    we receive the gift of ministry and the light of scripture.

In the bonds of Christian faith

    we yield ourselves to God that we may serve the One whose kingdom has no end.

Blessing, glory and honor be to God forever.  Amen.

--Preamble to the Design for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Church History

What Do Disciples Believe?


  •         Jesus Christ is the son of the Living God, and offers saving grace to all.
  •         All persons are God's children.


  •         Open Communion.  The Lord's Supper, or Communion, is celebrated in weekly worship.  It is open to all who belive in Jesus Christ.
  •         Freedom of belief.  Disciples are called together around one essential of faith:  belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  Persons are free to follow their consciences guided by the Bible, the Holy Spirit, study, and prayer, and are expected to extend that freedom to others.
  •         Baptism by immersion.  In baptism the old self-centered life is set aside, and a new life of trust in God begins.  Although Disciples practice baptism by immersion, other baptism traditions are honored.
  •         Belief in the oneness of the church.  All Christians are called to be one in Christ and to seek opportunities for common witness and service.
  •         The ministry of believers.  Both ministers and lay persons lead in worship, service, and spiritual growth.